3 Free Faucet Aerators and a Low-Flow Showerhead – Socal Only

To request your no-cost Energy Efficiency Starter Kit, complete and submit the form Southern California Gas Company website. The kit includes three faucet aerators and a low-flow showerhead to help you save energy and water. Low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators are great ways to save energy and water. These devices allow air to enter into the water stream, maintaining a high-pressure flow while reducing water usage.

Available to Southern California Gas Company customers only.

3 Free Faucet Aerators and a Low-Flow Showerhead – Socal Only

Reminder: Possible Freebie from Gillette Venus Today at 8AM EST

This is to remind you guys that today starting at 8:00AM Gillette Venus will be making an announcement regarding a possible giveaway. If you have not already done so, Like Gillette Venus on facebook and keep an eye out for the announcement from Gillette Venus on their facebook wall.

While you are on facebook, please Like I Crave Freebies if you have not already done so.

Possible Freebie from Gillette Venus on 2/2 at 8AM EST

Free 4-Volume World’s Last Chance Book Set – Religious

Each visitor who registers for WLC Community and confirms his/her STREET address, (no PO BOX is address is accepted) will receive the now world famous 4-volume book set gift, which has a retail value of over US$ 40. The gift also includes FREE First-Class Mail delivery to anywhere in the world. Please note also that in many instances our free gift can take up to 12 weeks to arrive depending on location.We hope that many will take advantage of this priceless offer.

Free 4-Volume World’s Last Chance Book Set – Religious